The definition of “create” is to bring into existence. I love to create. We all do. I have created art since I was very young. I’ve gardened and brought beautiful vegetables to life and then created from old and new recipes and also my own tasty creations. I’m also lucky enough to have created 3 wonderful human beings, a/k/a my kids. Creating beautiful and delicious things is maybe the best thing that separates us from the rest of the animal world.
Not only have I created art since my youth but have also been visually impaired since early childhood. I was categorized as “legally blind” in my late 20’s and my vision has regressed steadily throughout my life. That has never stopped me from finding new ways to create.
(Garden Gifts, pastel, 8 x 10)
It is August and I live in the Midwest so now it is time for gardening and enjoying the harvest before the long cold winter sets in. After 18 years of living in our home, my husband and I have learned more and more about gardening together. He tills the soil and I do the planting. There is pruning and weed pulling and then comes the reward of our efforts. The plants grow large and bear their fruits. I see some of the growth but with my vision loss, I can’t always find the harvest ripe for picking and I can’t see colors much anymore so John has to search and tell me what is ready. He comes into the kitchen from the garden with hands full of delicious fresh veggies, and sometimes a giant zucchini that somehow, we both missed.
My artwork is always on my mind but there are days that other creative outlets and rewards have to take precedence. Some days I get down on myself for not being dedicated enough to my painting but then I think about how creativity comes in many forms. Today, a fresh tomato basil salad and sauteed Swiss chard from the garden and tomorrow, I work on the underpainting for my next pastel painting.
Fresh Tomato Basil Salad
This is so easy and tastes best when you can use tomatoes right from a garden!
(Serves 2)
· 3 vine ripe tomatoes
· 1 large sprig fresh basil, chopped
· Extra virgin olive oil
· Salt and pepper
Cut tomatoes into bite size chunks and place in a bowl. Add chopped basil and salt and pepper to taste. Pour a small drizzle of olive oil and gently stir.
Serve as a side dish or on its own with a piece of crusty bread for dunking in the juices.